Three Day Fishing Trip

A Worcester Party’s Experiences in Vermont Forest Wilds.

Captain David M. Earle and Edward B. Dolliver returned Friday evening from a three days’ fishing trip to Danby, Vt. The severe storm interfered with the fun with the rod, and only allowed a few hours’ fishing, but they had a jolly good time and caught a large quantity of trout in the short time allowed. They were the guests of S. L. Griffith, who entertained royally. He is the owner of large tracts of forest which contain many fine trout brooks in the heart of the Green Mountain range. The Worcester fishermen were taken to the summit of a mountain, one and a half miles from Mr. Griffith’s office, where he has a summer house 2500 feet above the level of the town. There is telephone connection between the office and the summer house. It is in the wilds of the forest, where the woodman’s axe has never penetrated. Here the headquarters were made. The swollen streams ran so swiftly that fishing was quite out of the question, while the heavy rain continued. When it subsided, more than a hundred trout were caught, which Captain Earle had on display at his market Saturday.

The host is a lumberman, who has out off 14,000 acres of forest and has remaining 10,000 acres of uncut wood.

While the party was on the mountain, the freshet washed away a large section of road embankment leading to the summit, and the fishermen were obliged to telephone for assistance in making the descent.

The enormous freshets which have surpassed any in the history of that section, washed away bridges and embankments on the line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad, so that the Worcester fishermen were obliged to make the homeward trip via Bennington, Troy and the Boston and Albany railroad. They had a great time, notwithstanding their mishaps, and speak in glowing terms of their enjoyment of the scenery abounding in the Green Mountains.

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