The Library Much Appreciated

Thursday, April 2, 1908
Southern Vermont Mirror

The interest and appreciation with which the residents of Danby have received the new library testify strongly of its need, and are a hopeful promise of its future usefulness. More than 150 cards have been given out and signed in the week since its opening, and two hundred books have been drawn. Every afternoon and evening the attendance in the reading rooms, both the children’s and adults’ bears witness of their popularity.

The account of the dedication of the library would be far from complete without some mention of the beautiful floral decorations which graced the interior of the building on the opening day, furnished for the occasion from the greenhouses of Mrs. K. T. Griffith. Palms were banked at the rear of the stock-room and palms and flowering plants were massed in beautiful profusion on the librarian’s desk. Mantels and fireplaces were festooned in twining vines and blooming plants and cut flowers were variously grouped in great beauty and artistic effect.

Mention should also be made of the welcome and reception which the committee extended to the home and visiting friends at the building during the hours of inspection, from 10 a.m., until 8:30 p.m.; and also of the large number of encouraging letters which were received from prominent educators, librarians, clergymen and men of state in Vermont and from beyond its borders, many of which were read during the day. The committee have formulated the following rules to facilitate matters governing the conduct of the library.

  1. The Library shall be open every weekday, except holidays, from 2 p. m. to 5 p. in., 6.30 p. in. to 9 p. m.; and Saturday mornings from 10 a. m., to 12 p. m.
  2. Reading Rooms are open to all, for reading and reference.
  3. Residents of Danby and Mount Tabor desiring to draw books, may procure application cards at the Library, which must be signed by the applicant, and returned to the librarian.
  4. Children under fourteen years of age may become borrowers on application of parent or guardian, card to be signed by applicant and child, dated and returned to librarian. On reaching the proper age juvenile card will be canceled and adult card furnished by librarian.
  5. Non-residents may secure cards by depositing one dollar with the librarian. Money deposited will be refunded on return of reader’s card, unless fines are due for retaining books over time; in such a case, amount due will be deducted from the deposit.
  6. Each card holder may draw one book of fiction and one of non-fiction, or two of non-fiction.
  7. Books may be retained two weeks and renewed for same period, excepting recent fiction and very popular books (so designated), which may be retained but one week.
  8. A fine of one cent a day will be charged for each book kept over time, holidays and Sundays not counted. A. book held two weeks over time may be sent for at the expense of the borrower.
  9. Books will not be exchanged the day they are drawn.
  10. If any person lose or materially injure a book or magazine, he shall furnish another copy of the same, or pay the cost of replacing it.
  11. Any person mutilating or defacing any of the Library property will be deprived of the privileges of the Library.
  12. The librarian is required to adhere strictly to these rules.
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