There are thirteen old cemeteries in Danby, many of which are the final resting places of Revolutionary War and Civil War veterans. The town of Danby budgets a small amount of money, as required by state statute, each year toward the upkeep of these burial grounds and some of the other maintenance work such as mowing, is paid for with the meager interest from trust funds which were established for this purpose over the years. However these funds do not begin to cover all of the work that is necessary to adequately maintain these historic burial grounds.
To help with this the Society has established a Cemetery Fund to which interested parties may make a tax deductible contribution. Interested parties should send their donation to the Society at P. O. Box 238, Danby, VT 05739. A receipt for tax purposes will be issued upon receipt.
The Danby Cemetery Association was organized and chartered by the State Legislature in 1865. This cemetery is often referred to as The Scottsville Cemetery. It is located at the intersection of Route 7 and Scottsville Road. The property was once part of the Joseph Bull farm. It is the resting place of Silas L. Griffith, Vermont’s first millionaire, civil war veterans, and a number of other prominent and interesting people. This cemetery is governed by a board of five trustees and plots are available for purchase. For more information on this cemetery contact Tonya Powers, President at (802) 293-5733.
For a copy of the Guide to Danby Cemeteries listing interments please visit this link.
Read Cemetery is the oldest burying ground in DanbyCaptain Micha Vail graceRevolutionary War and Civil War Vets along with prominent early citizens of Danby rest in the Read cemetery The Quaker cemetery is located at the intersection of Danby Hill and Colvin Hill Roads. The Friends or Quaker Cemetery was laid out in 1806.Cleanup work at the Maple Grove Cemetery 3/25/22Cleanup work at the Maple Grove Cemetery 3/25/22Cleanup work at the Maple Grove Cemetery 3/25/22Cleanup work at the Maple Grove Cemetery 3/25/22Cleanup work at the Maple Grove Cemetery 3/25/22Cleanup work at the Maple Grove Cemetery 3/25/22Cleanup work at the Maple Grove Cemetery 3/25/22Henry Hedrick was a Revolutionary War Vet and founder of Danby. His grave site is in Maple Grove.Henry Herrick Jr was a town officer and rests in Maple Grove.John Mitchell was President of Vermont Marble Company and his cremains were scattered in Maple Grove.
Early Danby Cemetery Cards
Cemetery ListCemetery ListASamuel AmesNadotia AndrewsNath’l AldrichCleopatra AldrichNaume AverySarah A. AxdelLouis M. AmesBStephen BakerSally BakerLois (Hosmore) BakerSeleucia A. BakerEdia BakerCatherine S. BakerGeorge S. BakerEllen BakerDelbart M. BallardJennette BallardAmasa BaucroftBenjamin BarnesBradford BarnesAnson H. BarnesAlice E. BromleyAlonzo BromleyAdabel BromleyBraddock BromleyAnna BromleyWilliam BromleyWilliam BromleySmith BromleySarah O. BromleySerg’t J. W. BromleyRabah BromleyLouisiana BromleyJoshua BromleyClarence M. BromleyDr. Charles BackusLucinda BackusAnn E. BackusCharlotte A. BackusHarriett BarnesSarah (Howard) BarnesHaman A. BarnesGeorge B. BarnesZilpha (Gifford) BarnesSophionia BarnesAbel BartlettW. B.A. B. Heman BartlettAnna BartlettEliza BartlettNaomi BartlettPhebe BartlettRuth BartlettCapt’ Alexander BarrettCatherine BarrettCaroline BaxterRuth BellRosina (Fisk) BensonAbner BlockmerLydia BoyceMary H. BoyceEmogene BradleyElijah BradleySophia R. BreivarArin J. BromleyJoseph BuxtonAnna ButtonJoseph ButtonJoseph Bull 3Eunice BullAnna BullMaria S. BullElijah BullElijah BullNancy BullJoseph BullGeo A. BucklinCharles H. BucklinDavid R. BucklinCharles M. BruceMary BrownellCyrus BrownAlice L. BrownJussie M. BrownDexter BrownEurap (Hunt) BrownAmos BrownDexter BrownOrange BrownCaroline BrownLavina BrownDorothy M. BriggsCJames E. ColvinJohn M. Colvin“Our Babe” – son of Albert & Leonora ColvinMarcenia ColvinMerit L. ColvinAnna ColvinElsie ColvinBenajah ColvinBenjamin ColvinGeorge E. ColvinAdelaide CongdonGershom CongerRuth M. CongerHiram CongerNoah CongerTheoda CongerRhoda CongerAsher CongerHannah CongerChloe Ett CongerStephen CookPatty CookSeth CookArtemesia (Lobdell) CookParis C. CookFayatt CookSophia CoonJob CoreyGeorge CoreyWilliam CoreyLeander CoreyJulia A. CrandallSamantha CrandallEdwin R. CrandallPolly CrandallJohn F. CropoAbner CroftMajor Geo E. CroftEzra CroftAlmeda CroftUgene CroffCharles S. CroftMargaret C. CrowleyLevi H. CushmanOrestus ClarkSally ClarkHarry ColemanNancy ColemanJane P. ColemanInfant son of Benjamin & Hannah ChaceEmergene ChaseGershom CongerRuth M. CongerHiram CongerNoah CongerTheoda CongerRhoda CongerAsher CongerHannah CongerChloe Ett CongerStephen CookPatty CookSeth CookDEunice V. DillinghamGeorge R. DillinghamLydia DillinghamRauben DillinghamDavid H. DillinghamJoseph DillinghamMary DavisAnny DavisRebeckah DavisSarah E. M. DolphLucy DaleyMary F. DouganJoseph DatyEIra EdmundsJohn P. EdmundsLydia EdmundsMahala EdmundsNancy A. EdgartonPhebe A. EdgartonSarah J. EdgartonSamuel EmersonSamuel EngremRosanna EngremFCaleb FiskSarah L. FiskRozolvo FiskDaniel FiskFreelove FiskDr. Ira M. FraserMercy FrisbieChloe FrisbieSadoc FrisbieJane FullerGArnold GreenRuth GreenRev. Orange GreenAdelaide M. GreenSusan GreenLydia GreenBetsey GreenIsaac GriffithMary Elizabeth GriffithThomas GriffithPhebe GriffithEliza GroverDavid GriffithLottie M. GriffithDavid GriffithLydia GriffithAnna GriffithAnn GenningsPerry J. GiffordMary GilbertLucinda GilbertHBenjamin F. HadirenBarney HadirenMercy HadirenSarah J. HadirenPolly HandyM. S. H. Martha S. HagerWarren HandySylvanus HandyGeorge HandyElvira HandyWelcome HandyTwin BabyTwin BabyAbigal HadirenHattie HarringtonDarious HarringtonSarah HarringtonSylvina HarringtonOliver HarringtonHenry L. HarringtonBetsey E. HarringtonEzra L. HarringtonBetsey HarringtonLydia HarringtonLydia HarringtonGary Harrington– HarringtonAmosa HarringtonHezekiah Harrington Jr.Ruth HaskinsAmos HaskinsWilliam HaskinsJosephine HaskinsJudith HaskinsReuel HaskinsRachel R. HathawayLouisa HastingsAnna Eliza HavilandHenry S. HerrickJohn S. HerrickEdward HerrickHenry HerrickHannah (Barrett) HerrickCharity HerrickHenry Herrick Jr.Edward J. HerrickSally HerrickDavid HillJohn HillAmos HillJonathan HillMandana HillElizabeth S. (Smith) HillRoxana HillSarah HillIra HilliardMercy HilliardInfant daughter of John and Mary HilliardCapt. Minor HilliardAbigail HilliardAlphonso HilliardAzariah HilliardDaniel HillyardSilence HilliardWiman HillardRhoda HopkinsMary E. HoireAlzina HulettSally HulettClark W. HulettDelinda S. HulettOrestes HulettIEunice IrishJoseph IrishJCapt. William JohnsonElisha JohnsonDr. Adam JohnstonRebecca JohnstonSally JohnsonNicholas JenksCharity JennerMary JennerKCarrie M. KelleyRuth KelleyOratus KelleyBarton KelleyOrilla KelleyChloe Ann KelleyHattil KelleyGeorgia KelleyHannah KelleyElihu S. KelleyLydia KelleyJohn KelleyMoses B. KelleyEliza KelleyBeulah KelleyDaniel KelleyLydia KelleyDavid KelleyAnna KelleyCharity KellyGeorgia KelleyBenjamin O KnightsJoel F. KnightsJoseph KingLMaria Louisa LakeLevis G. LaphamGeorge A. LaphamGalen J. LockeHannah L. LockeHenry LaneMary Ella LincolnJohn W. LibbyAbraham Locke M.D.Betsey LockeDarius LobdellTwo Infants of Jared & Betsey LobdellWesley LobdellDennis LobdellAnjaleck LobdellCharles LyonMary LyonGeorge LyonNathan LaphamNathan LaphamChester E. LaphamElizabeth LaphamDavid LaphamSemantha LaphamDaniel LaphamElizabeth LaphamJesse LaphamDaniel LaphamAllen G. LaphamCaroline E. LaphamMcMary McCalleyJames McDanielsSally (Harrington) McDanielsJulia P. McDanielsMPolly MarauvilleRichard E. MarauvilleAbigail MarauvilleA. A. MathewsonOrmond D. MathewsonGeorge A. MathewsonMary E. MathewsonSimon MillardEzrah MillardBetsey MillardUrania MillardRebecca MorrisonRuth MosherWillie MaxhamNBarbara NicholsNancy P. NicholsJames NicholsThomas NicholsMary W. NicholsEunice (Cook) NicholsHannah R. NicholsSarah A. NicholsAbigail NicholsHenry A. NicholsJohn NicholsMabel L. NicholsThomas NicholsFred NicholsElmer NicholsStephen NorthupHenry V. NilesEvelina NuttingM. N. OJane M. OtisSarah OtisHarris Otis M.D. Delia P. OtisDelia A. OtisDelia –Margaret E. –Elizabeth OtisSarah A. OtisCemetery Grove CardsPPhilip A. PotterMercy PotterCynthia PlumleyMiriam PierceDilla E. PierceInfant Son of William & Katie PierceInfant Son of William & Katie PierceInfant Daughter of William & D.E. PierceRuth (Lord) PhillipsLoretta (Andrews) PhillipsIsaac PhillipsDinah PhillipsLadan PhillipsJulius O. PhillipsEmily C. PhillipsMaranda Phillips David W. PhillipsBezaleel PhillipsSally PhillipsLillie PhillipsEphraim PhillipsElizabeth PhillipsSeth PerryFrank H. PerryLorinda PerryRoxana PetersLucinda PetersBezallel PalmerJohn PalmerJacob PalmerJacamiah PalmerMarsha PalmerFour infants of Jacomiah & Mercy PalmerCatherine PalmerDaniel ParisDousella ParisDaniel ParisWesley L. ParrisAdalaide M. ParrisRuth ParrisCata ParrisCaleb ParisCaleb ParrisQRCaleb RandallTimothy ReadLydia D. ReadHannah RiceDiana B (Buxton) RisdonRachel RobertsCaleb M. RobertsMary Jane RobertsWilliam H. RobertsMary RogersMary Jane RogersAbraham B. RogersSarah J. RogersMercy E. RogersMoses RogersElisha A. RogersElexander A. RogersBlyn H. RogersLydia Ann RogersLydia RogersAnna S. RogersSilas D. RogersComfort RogersEunice V. RogersStephen RogersEliza G. RogersGeorge D. RogersAaron Rogers Jr.Dinah RogersAaron RogersJethro F. RogersElisha F. RogersSilas D. RogersLouisa RogersEunice RubadewPoltus RushSWilliam StimsonAnthony StimsonSusanna S. StimsonFreelove StimsonNoah StimsonHomer. E. StimsonCharles StimsonNancy Ann SargentMary Jane SargentNancy SargentDavid E. SargentNancy A. SargentLemuel SargentSilas SargentMelinda SawyerDavid SawyerIsrael SaylesLevis SaylesDiana SaylerSylvester P. ScottLucy ScottEdee ScottThomas SempleElizabeth SeelyrAnna B. ShippaSamuel SheddCatherine SheldonMyron J. SheldonJackson ShermanJoel J. ShermanCatherine B. ShermanJohn B.K. ShermanBetsey ShermanElvira ShermanAbigail ShermanOrean J. ShippaNancy ShippaHattie M. ShippaPary ShippaHannah SignerAnna SmithDaniel SmithAsa SmithMary H. SmithRhoda B. SmithSeneca SmithEmma R. SmithElizabeth H. SmithElizabeth P. SmithLouisa Anna SmithSylvia SmithAnn SmithHannah SmithIsaac SouthwickThankful SouthwickPatience SowleNancy J. SowleE. S. Olive M. SowleGeo P. SowleJames SowleAlbert L. SowleNathan SpaldingHolden StaffordStuteley StaffordHolden StaffordThomas B. StaffordHannah A. StaffordStutely StaffordBetsey (Paddock) StaffordRebekah StaffordPalmer StaffordRebecca (Wood) StaffordJohn StaffordStephen StaffordMarbury StaffordRachel StaplesSylvanus StaplesJonathan StaplesLouisa V. StaplesLouisa V. (Vail) StaplesSarah L. StreeterDarius E. StreeterSarah E. StimsonHomer H. StimsonDavid StimsonComfort StimsonTE. ThomasH. H. ThompsonSarah R. TracyCharlie TweedyWilliam TweedyULorenzo D. UnderwoodDorcas UnderhillVHenry H. VaughanJohn J. VailCornelia L. VailIra T. VailIsaac J. VailFred W. VailHannah VailIra VailSophroena VailCharity VailHenry VailAllen VailMargaret VailRuth VailCaptain John VailEdward VailMary VailMicah VailMargaret VailIsaac R. VailIsaac J. VailHenry VailRandall VailWilliam L. VailSeely VailHorace E. VailEdwin A. VailFred VailEdward Vail Jr. Lydia H. VailGeorge P. Vail“Our Baby” (daughter) of W.H. & A.C. VailMargaret VailEunice VailMargaret VailLydia VailSylvia VailMoses E. VailRuth VailJohn VailHarrison VaughanJohn VaughanW. V. Mary VaughanGeorge Vaughan2 Infants of William & Elizabeth VaughanHorace VaughanOlive VaughanWMary J (Knight) WadePerry WeedEmily Walker– Pliny WarrinerInfant Son of Isaac & Nancy Wilber Mary WeedInfant Son of Henry & Cynthia WilberNancy WilberSusan William Stephen WoodsMahlon C. WolcottInfant of M & M WeedSarah Weed3 Infants of M & M WardInfant of Micager WeedEllen WaiteHannah WilberHannah WilberHenry WilberMary WilberRhoda WellerMary WeedGeorge WelchEdward WelchNathan WellerX-Y-ZEvaline C. YoungCharlana YoungCol. David Young