The MTDHS was founded in 1985 and members are both local folks with an interest in the towns histories and those with local roots. The Mount Tabor-Danby Historical Society bought the Millbrook House, a historic home in Danby right on the Mill Brook, in November 2010 and celebrated the 250th anniversary of the towns official organization in late August 2011. Just a day later, the historic home, which had previously survived the catastrophic flood of 1927, collapsed into the Mill Brook becoming part of the great devastation that Tropical Storm Irene brought on Vermont.
Though many historical artifacts and treasures were lost that day, the caring members of the society will continue to rebuild and expand their collection and knowledge on the history of Danby, Mount Tabor, and their surrounding land.
Trustees and Officers
Bradley J. Bender, President (email)
Cindy Taylor-Patch, Vice President (email)
Herbert Ogden, Secretary (email)
Marvin Gates, Treasurer (email)
Ellen Boer (email)
Netanel Crispe (email)
Penny Macheski (email)
Download BYLAWS – December, 2019
The Historical Society Today
Youngest member of the Society, Blake Lohsen retires tattered flag and respectfully raises new flag donated by Mary Sprague as his grandfather looks on:

Restoring the Historic Streetscape
Thanks to a generous gift from Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lathman II, the Historical Society with the help of John and Eileen Badegwick, Trish, Roger and Ben Bromley, David Langsett, Shelley Taylor, John Niles, Zach Fuller, Zach Golden, Bradley Bender, and equipment from Fuller Sand and Gravel, and Abbott Construction planted 45 Red Sunset Maple trees over three years. The trees have bright red foliage in the fall and replace historic trees lost to the ravages of time. They are also resistant to road salt. This living history project received the Vermont Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence in 2017.

250th Celebration Parade & Fountain Dedication
The fountain is dedicated to Abe and Pauline Rosen and their daughter Cecilia Strauss in honor of Danby’s 250 Anniversary by Bradley Bender, President MTDHS and Bradford Danby Kimball and Ranch Kimball, Jr. great-great grandsons of Abe & Pauline Rosen.

Millbrook House Flooding
Below are videos taken of the Millbrook House as it was taken by Tropical Storm Irene flooding.